Una guía para proteger sus recetas

Cuando se trata de empresas alimentarias, evitar que otros utilicen sus recetas y procesos es un aspecto importante para garantizar una ventaja competitiva. Un concepto de la ley llamado secreto comercial puede ofrecer protección para recetas y procesos de producción de alimentos. Muchas empresas tienen secretos comerciales que son esenciales para su funcionamiento y éxito. Esta es una guía que le presentará qué es un secreto comercial, qué se debe hacer para establecerlo y cómo se protege.

Decidiendo sobre la estructura adecuada para su negocio

Como agricultor o empresa alimentaria, elegir una estructura empresarial es una decisión importante con implicaciones importantes para su negocio y su responsabilidad personal. Esta guía de decisiones, desarrollada por Conservation Law Foundation, lo guía a través de las diferentes estructuras comerciales que puede considerar y sopesa las ventajas y desventajas de cada opción. Esta guía es un excelente punto de partida para las empresas que piensan en qué estructura empresarial es adecuada para sus necesidades.

Arrendamientos de tierras agrícolas

Si bien muchos arrendamientos agrícolas se realizan con un apretón de manos, esta práctica no es una buena idea porque no existe un acuerdo escrito en caso de desacuerdo entre las partes. Un contrato de arrendamiento bien redactado aclarará los términos del arrendamiento, dejará menos oportunidades de malentendidos y reducirá la probabilidad de un conflicto potencial entre un propietario de tierra y un agricultor.

Formas alternativas de comprar la granja

Esta guía explora las siguientes formas alternativas de comprar tierras agrícolas:

  • Adquisición de terrenos financiada por el vendedor
  • Compra a plazos
  • Arrendamiento con opción a compra.

Preparing an Offer of Employment Letter

An offer letter is an important start to any employment relationship because it ensures the employer and employee have a mutual understanding about the key terms of employment.  This guide identifies the key elements of an employment offer letter and provides a sample letter for you to review and consider when drafting your own offer letter.  As a future employee, this guide will help you to clarify some points of employment before accepting. 

Key Governing Documents for a Nonprofit Organization

There are three primary documents that govern the operations of a nonprofit organization:

(1) articles of incorporation,

(2) bylaws, and

(3) conflict of interest policy. 

This legal guide introduces each of these documents and identifies key elements that you should consider as you are preparing governing documents for your organization. 

Buying the Farm – Part I

Farmers can obtain rights to farmland in a variety of ways, for example, by entering into a lease with the owner of the farmland, sharing ownership of the land with others, or acquiring full ownership (“fee simple” title) of the farmland. Part I of this Guide focuses on:

(i) the different types of land ownership,

ii) the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing the farmland directly through fee simple ownership, and

(iii) considerations when locating the right farmland to purchase.

Buying the Farm – Part II

Once a deal has been negotiated, a farmer works with the land owner to buy farmland for the agreed-upon purchase price. Part II of this Guide focuses on

(i) the elements of a Purchase and Sale Agreement,

ii) the investigation “due diligence” process that every farmer should undertake,

(iii) the deed and other acquisition closing documents, and

(iv) the closing.

Incorporating a Non-Profit in New England

Explore whether a non-profit structure is the right fit for your organization.  Learn how to incorporate as a non-profit corporation.

This legal guide:

  • discusses the pros and cons of non-profit organizations
  • details how to become a nonprofit organization
  • explains how to apply for federal 501(c)(3) charitable organization status
  • discusses fiscal sponsorship as an alternative to 501(c)(3) status

How to Work with a Lawyer

While there are a lot of legal needs you can tackle yourself, sometimes you need help or information from an attorney. Learn how to work best with your lawyer to get the results you want.  Your lawyer will likely ask a lot of questions at the first meeting. Here’s how to be ready for them, and how to prepare relevant questions of your own.