Folklore Farm Seeks Assistance with Lease-To-Own Agreement

Background:  Michael Hayden has been farming in coastal Maine for almost five years.  Michael raises vegetables, including carrots, onions and garlic at Folklore Farm in Cherryfield, Maine. The bulk of what Michael grows goes to local schools and provides fresh, nutritious local produce to school lunch programs.  In addition, Michael has contracts with the Maine Sea Coast Mission to grow food for its “backpack program”, allowing children from food-insecure families to bring fresh produce home.  Michael’s commitment to this effort has been detailed in The Portland Press Herald.

Legal Need:  Michael currently has a “loose lease” with his landlord.  They have decided to move forward with a formal lease-to-own arrangement.  Michael contacted the Hub seeking assistance in drafting the appropriate legal documents.

The Relationship:  Legal Food Hub matched Michael with Peg Smith at Pierce Atwood.  They are currently working toward helping him achieve his dream of owning his own farm.