Hosting a Food Focused Event: The Legal Side of a Delicious Activity

Hosting an event with food on your farm is a great way to gather your community, educate the public about farming, and grow your business. Watch this webinar to learn about next steps to safely and legally offer samples, host a tasting, farm to table meal, or other event with food on your farm. During the session you will hear from Corie Pierce, owner of Bread and Butter Farm in Shelburne, Vermont and regular host of burger nights. You will also hear from Andrew Marchev, Legal Fellow at the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems and Lisa Chase, Agritourism Expert at University of Vermont Extension.

Presenters: Corie Pierce, Bread and Butter Farm Vermont, Dr. Lisa Chase, University of Vermont, Attorney Andrew Marchev, Fellow at Vermont Law School

Exenciones de responsabilidad para actividades agrícolas dentro de la finca

Las fincas frecuentemente son anfitrionas de actividades que atraen visitas a la finca, como visitas de escuelas a la finca, días de voluntariado y agroturismo. Dichos eventos ofrecen oportunidades valorables para incrementar ingresos y hacer crecer el alcance al público sobre la finca. Pero, los accidentes pasan — particularmente a los visitantes que no están familiarizados con los peligros que generalmente se encuentran en una finca. A los agricultores frecuentemente se les aconseja que pidan a sus visitantes que firmen un documento de exención de responsabilidad. Pero ¿Cómo es que un documento de exención de responsabilidad puede reducir la responsabilidad legal de una finca? ¿Pueden reducir el riesgo de responsabilidad de la finca y posibles demandas en contra de la finca si un visitante tiene un accidente? Esta guía legal discute cómo utilizar los documentos de exención de responsabilidad, lo que éstos pueden lograr, y qué debe incluirse en un documento de exención de responsabilidad bien redactado.

Liability Waivers for On-Farm Activities

Farms often host activities that bring visitors onto the farm, such as school farm visits, volunteer days or agritourism. Such events offer valuable opportunities to increase income and raise awareness of the farm. But, accidents happen — particularly to visitors unfamiliar with hazards typically found on a farm.  Farmers frequently are advised to have visitors sign liability waivers. But how can a liability waiver reduce a farm’s legal responsibility?  Can they reduce the farm’s risk of liability and potential lawsuits against the farm if a visitor is injured? This legal guide discusses how to use liability waivers, what they can accomplish and what to include in a well-drafted liability waiver.