On-Farm Housing Rules and Regulations

Many farms offer on-farm housing as a way of improving worker quality of life and provide additional compensation. Detailed federal, state, and local regulations are in place to make sure farm housing is safe and fair. Learn the basics of these rules with this video.

This series is presented by the Cultivemos Legal Cohort. Cultivemos, (formerly known as FRSAN-NE, the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Northeast) aims to improve behavioral health awareness, literacy, access, and outcomes for farmers, ranchers, and farmworkers in the Northeast by developing a service provider network that can assist and meet the unique needs of agricultural workers.

Formas alternativas de comprar la granja

Esta guía explora las siguientes formas alternativas de comprar tierras agrícolas:

  • Adquisición de terrenos financiada por el vendedor
  • Compra a plazos
  • Arrendamiento con opción a compra.

Agriculture Employment Rules for NH

Understanding labor and employment law is essential for operating a successful farm. Both federal and New Hampshire law treat agricultural work differently than other forms of employment. Depending on the size of the farm and the agricultural tasks done, an employee may be exempt from, for example, minimum wage. This guide is a brief look at what labor laws apply to farming activities to help New Hampshire agricultural employers and employees understand their rights and obligations. Most employee standards are detailed in Title 23 of New Hampshire’s statutes.

Farmland Leases

While many farm leases are done with a handshake, this practice is not a good idea because there is no written agreement in the event of a disagreement between the parties. A well-written lease agreement will make the lease terms clear and leave less opportunity for misunderstanding and reduces the likelihood of a potential conflict between a landowner and a farmer.

Alternative Ways to Buy The Farm

This Guide explores the following alternative ways to purchase farmland:

  • Seller-financed land acquisition
  • Purchase by installments
  • Lease with an option to purchase.

Reorganizing a Farm Business with Chapter 12 of the Bankruptcy Code: A Brief Guide

Farm reorganization through chapter 12 is a powerful tool for farmers seeking to restructure burdensome debt, change production models, or even transition a farm to the next generation. It can help farming and fishing operations avoid financial distress and allow them to transform their operation or transfer it to the next generation—without requiring liquidation or financial insolvency. This guide covers who is involved, who is eligible, the benefits, and how it works. 

Lo básico de los impuestos sobre el salario

Las reglas que gobiernan los impuestos sobre el salario pueden ser complicadas. Los impuestos sobre el salario generalmente son calculados como un porcentaje del salario del empleado. Las fincas que emplean a trabajadores, deben retener dinero de los cheques de pago de sus empleados, emitir dichas cantidades retenidas a las autoridades de impuestos apropiadas, y declarar los impuestos sobre el salario a las agencias federales y estatales. Esta guía hace un esquema sobre qué son los impuestos sobre el salario y cómo y dónde pagarlos. Después de leer esta guía usted sabrá:

  • ¿qué son los impuestos sobre el salario y quién es responsable de los pagos?
  • las especificaciones de los diferentes tipos de impuestos sobre el salario
  • las exenciones especiales dadas a los empleados en agricultura

Employment Rules for Agricultural Workers in MA

Agricultural work is treated differently from other types of employment under the law; however, it is sometimes difficult to what qualifies as agricultural work.  This guide is intended to help Massachusetts farmers determine what is agricultural work, what is not, and why it matters.  You will learn:

  • What is Agricultural Work in Massachusetts
  • Minimum wage and overtime rules for agricultural employees
  • Minimum wage and overtime rules for regular employees